Tuesday 24 September 2019

Seeking help

Today I was learning how to be an upstander
I enjoyed watching the videos 
I found it challenging to write this blog
My digital learning object shows how to be an upstander
Next time I would change nothing

Monday 23 September 2019

Term 3 recap

Term 3 was really good I loved it but there are a some dislikes too. I didn't really get the holes tasks because I wasn't here for the first two weeks of term three, so it was really challenging to get the priorities finished. but time went on and I got most of my priorities finished.

Playing games like Annihilation, Dodgeball and Medic is really fun, it really lets me relax after the game. I didn't really know how to play medic but now I know because it came to me overtime and now I know how to play it!

At the Marae it was really interesting and fun, there was no work or anything like that. We just had playtime and activities. I think it was REALLY fun. I couldn't believe that there was a handball activity. I loved the nachos for dinner and weetabix for breakfast we don't really have those in America because it is such a New Zealand thing.

I didn't really like art because math is my thing I am a left brainer. I am good at art on the computer like Google Drawings and Canva. I make my own pieces of art that I make up. I am like a drawer not a maker.

I love our class song, Dig it Up. I am kind of nervous and kind of excited presenting to the rest of the school! I think I am really good at the rapping part but I chose not to. I might be a shaker or a cupper (if that's a word).